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Parking Information

There are downloadable parking passes, marked, "Guest Pass" below that you can print off and place on your dash on the driver's side.  There will be some parking passes available at the Registration Check-in table as well.

The parking lots for you to use are G3 and then G4 and G5. These are the parking lots just off of 12th Ave S, near Memorial Auditorium. There is a campus map below to help.


Our Keynote Speaker this year is The Rev. Dr. Troy Troftgruben, Associate Professor of New Testament: The William A. & John E. Wagner Professor in Biblical Theology
Before joining the faculty at Wartburg in 2013, Troy served for five years as a pastor in Grand Forks, North Dakota. He also served as adjunct instructor of religion at the University of North Dakota. Troy enjoys teaching with technology, whether online, residentially, or in hybrid formats. His areas of interest are Luke and Acts, early church communities, and Matthew. By vocation, Troy sees himself as a pastor, just one with a specialized call: the formation of church leaders through Wartburg Seminary. He is married to Maria, and together they have two children. Outside of work, Troy enjoys playing music, biking, being outdoors, cooking, and practicing the discipline of hope by following Minnesota sports teams and the Chicago Cubs.

This year's Joint Theological Day will also include two workshop times based on our theme led by our keynote speaker, Concordia faculty, and colleagues. Those who register will receive an email closer to the event to select their workshop choices; first come - first served.