On Indigenous Peoples Day this year, October 9, 2022, we invite you to incorporate one or more of the pieces offered here (a prayer petition, land acknowledgment, liturgy) into your worship service. As we work towards being people of truth and healing, remember to give proper credit to those whose work you use. You might consider crafting your own land acknowledgment or using the one provided here.
Perhaps your congregation desires to take a special offering for one of the Indigenous ministries of our synod.
You will find downloads below of the services from this past Theology for Ministry Conference and our Synod's Land Acknowledgement.
For a Land Acknowledgment guide, please visit the ELCA’s Indigenous Ministries and Tribal Relations page found at: https://www.elca.org/Our-Work/Congregations-and-Synods/Ethnic-Specific-and-Multicultural-Ministries/American-Indian-and-Alaska-Native
To access a map of the sacred land you reside on, and to learn about the importance of land and our impact, please visit: https://native-land.ca/
Please contact Rev. Rebel Hurd, Director for Evangelical Mission, with any questions you might have.
Our Synod neighbors to the east, NEMN Synod's Together Here Ministries creates space for transformational change by engaging in learning, listening, and relationship building between diverse people groups and communities within the NEMN Synod. Have put together some wonderful worship resources, please check out their website.
Our Synod's Land Acknowledgement
The Northwestern Minnesota Synod of the ELCA is located within the traditional lands of the Indigenous People of Turtle Island (North America), the first Americans. These are the ancestral homelands of the Anishinaabe, Assiniboine, and Dakota people. Today we are called to follow Jesus alongside of our neighbors of the sovereign federally recognized tribes of the Leech Lake, Red Lake, and White Earth bands of the Ojibwe people. In affirming this land as the homeland of our indigenous neighbors, we recognize the legacies of violence and cultural genocide that occurred alongside the displacement of their communities, as well as the responsibility we all share to not let these truths be buried any longer.